KWF Tagung postponed until 2024!!

After discussions with partners and a survey among the exhibitors, the new dates for KWF Tagung and KWF Expo was decided. The Expo will take place on the 19. – 22. June 2024. This mean that the show goes back to its normal 4-year interval and back to the normal time of the year for KWF Tagung/Expo. The venue will be the same as planned, Schwarzenborn in Hessen. All sold tickets and stand bookings are still valid. 

KWF Tagung – starts already in 2021

“A large majority of the exhibitors has supported these new dates. To return to the normal interval and time of year was also preferred. Due to the postponement to 2024, all involved have got a secure date to aim at. If we had postponed one year again, we could not have offered that security.” says Berhard Hauk, project manager for KWF Tagung. “All reactions and comments we have received, shows how important the show is.”

Log Max Harvester Heads

The event will however start already this year. Due to the Covid-19 situation, the congress that is an important part of the Tagung, was planned to be held digitally the week before the Expo. That will still happen on the 21. – 25. June 2021.

Also, the GEFFA video contest will take place during 2021, like the KWF news presentation 2021 and in late summer 2021 the KWF excursion will take place as an online event. All the online events will be informed about at

More to come

In addition to this, in an attempt to shorten the waiting time until the main show, other events are planned in order to keep the interest and to raise the expectations for the KWF Tagung 2024. Keep an eye on the KWF website here to stay updated. Hopefully there will soon be information also in English available. We will of course follow the development here at as well.

“I wish to thank everybody that actively have supported KWF. We are overwhelmed by the strong support, and are happy about the appreciation and the trust placed in us. Together we will not only make the widest, best, and most secure forestry show ever, but also the longest of all times.” concludes Bernhard Hauk.

If you are waiting for something good … 

The future will tell, but I think KWF makes a good decision not to just push it another year ahead. Especially as we actually don’t know what the situation will be in summer 2022. 2024 feels safer.

Another issue that speaks to the advantage for KWF is the fact that 2022 is the normal time for the other major German forestry show – Interforst. Also the new Swedish Forestry Expo and the old Elmia Wood are now planned for 2022 (postponed from 2021). So, why go into that wasp nest of fairs if you can avoid it?

How the KWF will solve this financially is another issue. But as their main business is testing of forestry equipment I guess they will have things to do while the rest of us are waiting for the show.

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