The green-green forest of Sweden

green forest

Except for reports about Covid-19, the rainy summer has been the favorite theme for the tabloids in Sweden this summer. July 2020 was the coldest in Sweden since … I don´t know how long. Considering the fact that the Swedes are not allowed to go anywhere because of the pandemic, this has been a problem for sun lovers. But for the forest …

Growing green forest

During the winter 19/20, I was working with both pre-commercial and commercial thinning on a small site in south Sweden. The other day I went there to see the result.

Log Max Harvester Heads

green forest

It was truly a joy to see all the shades of green. It was growing everywhere, and everything was growing – bushes, grass, trees. The difference compared to summer 2018 is stunning. Then, when walking in the forest, it was dry, dusty, scratchy and yellow grass everywhere.

green forest
21st August 2018 it was dry, dusty and scratchy.

Rain and heat work together

In southern Europe, it´s still hot and dry, as in some parts in central Europe. Today I also read that the forest in California is burning again. So, I guess that we are the lucky ones up here.

The combination of heat and moist is without a doubt perfect for the forest which is obvious on the photos in this article. Also berries and mushrooms are doing well under these conditions.

green forest
The lingonberries are also doing well.

Green forests for future generations

Let´s hope that this weather continues so that also the coming generations can enjoy the fruits of the forest. Here in the northern hemisphere, “tree farming” is a long-term project that spans over the generations. On a perfect forest site, you have all ages of forest to harvest and manage. Let´s make sure we can go on like that.

green forest
Three generations of the forest. 5-6 years old, 20 years old and at the back around 50 years old.

More photos

Here are some more photos from my walk in the Swedish forest on 20th July 2020.

green forest
Everything is green …
green forest
Green spruce forest
green forest
The site was scarified with an excavator. After falling into one or two of those holes with the clearing saw you realize that it’s wet.

Photos: Per Jonsson

  1. Good to see a verdant green forest. You don’t seem to have many Brambles in your forest understory, but looking at the last picture i think the ground is too wet.

    1. This site had both dry and wet parts. The last picture shows a very wet part where an excavator made quite big mounds to plant on. That´s why there were holes like the one of the picture. It seems to have been successful though, as the spruce trees there seemed to do ok.
      The first picture in the article is taken just some 150 meters away from the last, in the same stand. There it is dry soil with just gravel and stone, but … very good hummus. Thanks to the wet summer it´s growing well there as well.
      As for brambles, we don´t have much of those in this area.

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