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218 posts
March 22, 2021
Pioneers on biochar – visit to a biochar production farm
There has to be better ways than just burning the chips to heat the house? was the question…
Visit to a woodchip fueled combined heating and power plant (CHP)
Fuel from the forest is still a third assortment. To produce sawlogs and pulpwood is the main purpose…
March 17, 2021
The forestry shows in 2021 – What´s up?
2020 was the year when almost all forestry shows postponed to 2021, creating a complicated situation for the…
March 12, 2021
Yet another new planter underway?
It becomes more and more obvious that planting by hand is slowly becoming too expensive. One sign of that…
The 18th KWF Tagung in Germany goes ahead as planned!
In a press release on the 25th February the KWF board informed that the forestry trade fair KWF…
February 25, 2021
Ponsse launches a new Scorpion harvester range
Eight years after the grand introduction of the Scorpion harvester, Ponsse presents an update of the successful model.…
New commodity exchange for ecosystem services
In an article a while ago we asked ourselves if carbon storage, or carbon sink, have a financial value.…
Interforst in Munich teams up with DLG Waldtage
The German forestry trade fair Interforst informs in a press release on the 27th January that they have…
IKEA launches new forest agenda
According to a press release from 25th January 2021 IKEA launches new 2030 forest agenda to push for…
Record sales of forwarders in Sweden 2020*
The corona virus may have affected a lot in the World during 2020 but the Swedish market** for…