A few years have passed since EcoLog launched the F-series. The G-series seem not to be in sight yet. But the harvesters of the F-series will receive a comprehensive update. A new control system and upgraded transmission are a couple of the major changes.
EcoLog updates the F-series
Also, some smaller improvements have been made concerning the availability and safety of the machines. Improved service points, better footstep- and handle solutions, and a new, safer fuel tank.
Larger pump – more traction
According to EcoLog, the harvesters have been equipped with a new rear wheel transmission that will give 10 – 15 percent better traction. The largest harvester, the 590F, also receives a larger 210-cc pump (the old one had 190 cc). The transmission has a new anti-spin function that makes sure that the power always goes to the side with the best grip. Apart from this, many small updates on hydraulics have been made. E.g., the loading and steering valves have been given new solutions.
Completely new control system
A completely new control system is launched for the harvesters, the EcoLog NexSci. It’s a new system from Bosch Rexroth that replaces the Iqan system. That means that the information that was displayed on the DASA/Iqan screen disappears. The new screen has got a new interface that, according to EcoLog is simple, interactive, and easy to use. The harvesters get new control pallets with 11-button joysticks.
Photo: Ecologforestry.com
Here is a film made by EcoLog that describes the updates of the transmission:
Read more on the EcoLog home page here.