Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas

Christmas is here again. One year has passed since the last time. Holidays and events that turn up when they are supposed to, that you can set the clock by, are preferred if you ask me. Christmas and New Year are two of them.

There was a time when the forestry fairs turned up at the same dates every time, with a swiss-time-precision. That has changed during the last two years for known reasons. Now, nobody seems to know when, or if, the forestry fairs will take place. One can only hope …

Log Max Harvester Heads

Happy New Year 2022!

Let us hope that 2022 will be the year when everything goes back to normal. Let us hope that we finally can meet out in the forest, and on the forestry fairs. Let us hope that we from 2022 on can set the clock by the forestry fairs again, and that it stays like that.

I have the feeling that 2022 will be a good year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Dear Readers!

Merry Christmas
My office window. When the Christmas decoration is not there, the view is a lake, a bridge, and a paper mill.
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