The first Plantma X sold in Sweden

plantmax planting

The Swedish company Plantma X has sold its first machine. Holmen Skog is the customer. The Plantma X project has been underway since 2019 with testing at the Swedish State Forest, Sveaskog, and Holmen Skog. For the moment, the test machine is on tour in the USA.

plantmax planting
The PlantmaX in action.

The first Plantma X sold

The Plantma X is an old concept in a new suit. The role model is the Silva Nova planter that was developed during the ’70s and the ’80s. Just as it was meant to take off, around 1990, the walls towards Eastern Europe came down, and thousands of willing, hard-working, cheap manual planters came over to the west. Suddenly the need for mechanized planting was gone and the development of planting machines was paused in Sweden.

Log Max Harvester Heads

However, eventually, the eastern people gained better conditions in their original countries. Many of them found out that there was more money to build houses instead of planting forest. So, the need for mechanized planting was actualized again, and the development went on.

The old suit was taken out of the closet

One of the projects that were started up again was the Silva Nova, or nowadays the Plantma X. In fall 2019 the testing was started. The concept is the same as on the Silva Nova but with a modern control system and refined details.

The founders, Stig Linderholm and Hans Arvidsson have been developing forestry equipment since the ‘80s. Log Max harvester heads and Eco Log forest machinery are examples of the many projects they have been involved in, not to mention the later part of the Silva Nova project.

They are getting close to a well-functioning machine and have strong partners. So, if nothing extraordinary happens, the Plantma X will soon be something to count on.

Find out more on Plantma X’s homepage.

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